So you love walking your dog …but do you know what dog walking benefits are to your four-legged friend?

In this article we’ll be looking at 5 of the most important exercise benefits for your dog.  So let’s begin.


1 Dog Health Weight Control Benefits

Obesity has become an almost new norm that people and animals alike have to fight against in their lives.

In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition they found that overweight dogs lose weight faster when walked regularly.

As you are likely aware walking for us also helps towards weight loss, better health and improved mental wellness.

But did you know dog’s can also suffer from mental health issues?  Ready to help your dog, keep reading…

having frequent dog walks stimulates your dog’s metabolism that burns calories and helps reduce body fat.

So regular walks keep your dog fit, trim and mentally well.

And since you’re spending quality time walking together, you’ll also reap fantastic rewards to your health!


2 Emotional Dog Behavior Benefits

Majority of dogs are highly sociable. They like to spend time with their owners, other people and close bonding pets.

This makes dogs more dependable and attached to their owners and happy when they see them.

Stimuli – When you take your dog out on a walk, he/she gets to interact with the environment, smells and sounds.

As well as the potential to engage in wanted behaviors with other dogs outside their usual habitat (family den) they get valuable stimuli.

Your dog’s positive interactions  increase their wellness, mental health and other attributes which boost their health and life.

The more your dog engages with outside positive stimuli the more calmer and relaxed he/she will be.


3 Improved Dog Joint Health Benefits

Dog joints and muscles are similar to human joints and muscles.

Just like our joints, your dog’s joints need regular exercise and movement to remain strong and healthy.

To not have regular exercise only leads to unwanted complications, pains and issues including arthritis and stiffness.

Daily valued dog walks keeps your beloved pets joints supple, flexible and in prime.

Your dog will not only look good but will also live a longer, healthier and happier life, which will save you money on vet fee’s.

Not forgetting that you will also benefit from the exercise as well as your dog.


4 Mental Dog Health Walking Benefits

Taking your dog for a walk is fun, relaxing and highly stimulating, which in turn helps with your own health and mental wellbeing.

Your dog will gain from the stimuli of the environment you introduce your dog to.  This helps towards being less  stressed, anxious and on edge.

Unwanted Behaviors – Bored dogs tend to miss behave, ignore commands and may act aggressively towards other dogs and humans.

Boredom within dogs can also manifest into chewing on furniture, trying to escape and taking items that they know should not take.

By walking your dog more you will give your pet improved stimulation which should relieve some of these unwanted dog behaviors.

Dog walking also helps deal with reducing anxieties, some aggression and destructiveness.

Taking your dog for a regular walk also improves his/her concentration, focus and willingness to learn training technics.

A good walk for you and your beloved dog will give a much needed mental boost while avoiding bad habits.


5 Increased Energy Levels

By walking your dog regularly you will not only increase his/her energy levels, but yours as well.  The more walks you do the better.

However be careful walking younger and older dogs for to long as this can cause limb complications, pains and vet visits.

Studies have shown that walking your dog for 30 minutes per day can boost energy levels by 20%

Did you know that walking releases endorphins into the brain for you and your four-legged friend.

Endorphins are natural painkillers that give you and your dog a feeling of happiness and serenity, which makes you feel less tired and more energetic throughout the day.



It doesn’t matter what breed your dog is, there are many ways to make sure that your pet remains healthy and active.

One of the best ways to ensure good health is to take your dog for at least 30 minutes’ walk every single day.

By doing this, you’ll get several important benefits including improved physical fitness, emotional wellbeing, and increased energy levels for you and your dog.

The overall outcome for good dog walking benefits are a healthy pet and a vibrant owner.